Microsoft has a DIME
endpoint for interop test at:
We also have an endpoint
for server-side SOAP attachment processing, it is at:
The endpoint supports both SOAP with attachments (SwA) and DIME.
Attachments in the request are echoed in the response message
using the same attachment method. The server decodes attachments
based on the content type in the request message.
Sample Code (SQLData
SOAP Client)
Dim MyAgent As SoapAgent
Set MyAgent = New SoapAgent
'assign parameter values
MyAgent.AddParameter "bstrParam1", "my param 1", ""
MyAgent.AddParameter "bstrParam2", "my param 2", ""
'add an attachment, use DIME encoding
MyAgent.AddAttachment "", "c:\tmp.txt", "", "", "application/dime"
MyAgent.ExecuteMethod "", "Method1"
'Get the attachment, index is 0 based, 0 is actually the main body.
MyAttachment = MyAgent.GetAttachment(1)
Other Endpoints: